2020(1) or 2021?
The much anticipated 2021 is here already and I am excited we both made it despite all odds in 2020. 2021 as a new year just like every day is a new day but what we make out it is what counts and not the time. Like someone I know will say A new day, another opportunity to be a world-class citizen(developer). It is what you make out of the new day, new week, new month, a new year that matters most at the end.
I’ve heard people say 2020 was a victim of the many “hype” it got hence hence the argument not to hype 2021. Please hype it if you feel like it. The power of life and death is in your tongue so watch what you profess. And that’s why I’m asking you to pick your battle carefully with the words of your mouth and your actions.
For some of us, we are excited because of God’s promises for us this new year and we anticipate the manifestations. And if you must know, hyping does not in any way affect what God has in stock for us. He is not a man that will be bothered about our response.
God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through? Numbers 23:19
For me, one of the reasons I am hyping this year is because I will be celebrating a silver jubilee of life😂 😂and if there is nothing to be excited about, it is worth being excited about. It might be different for you, but I strongly advise that you don’t lose hope in God in 2021. As much as 2020 wasn’t the best year for many people, we still had enough reasons to be grateful to God.
Don’t start the year 2021 as a deflated tire, worn out from the overuse of 2020.
Allow God to rebrand your deflated hope and give you reasons to trust him. Don’t be caught unworthy of God’s blessings. Keep faith in God and his promises. Let that faith give you the energy you need to pull through.
As we move on into the year 2021, go with God’s word for you. Allow it to become life in you, meditate on it, engrave it on your heart. When life happens, it is these words that will keep you sane through it.
Don’t go into this year without a plan even if your 2020 plans were shattered. It is not compulsory for your plans to be new because it is a new year, it could be an extension of your 2020 plans and it is fine. Whether you make new plans or not, as long as you are growing, you will make new discoveries along the way so don’t be bothered if you don’t have any new plans at the start of this new year.
Permit me to remind you that this is not 2020(1), it is 2021. It is not another version of 2020, it is a different year entirely. It did not work out in 2020 does not mean it won’t work in 2021. God does not work like that. It is what you have in your hands that the Lord will use and bless, he won’t bless an empty vessel.
The Lord will give you great prosperity, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your livestock and the produce of your ground, in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. The Lord will open for you His good treasure house, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow. Deuteronomy 28:11–12
God has gone ahead of you and he is willing to go with you if you will permit him to. He has made provisions and supplies readily available for you, all that you will need has been provided. You can never go wrong with God being your supplier. 💃
Cheers to winning in 2021. 🍷