2022 and 2023
2022 was an excellent year for me, it was my year of learning and experimenting as I learned new things, got a better understanding of things I had learned years back, and experimented with some of the learnings. I did things that ordinarily, I never imagined I could have done.
I did crazy things that I did not plan to do when I was planning my 2022 goals and discovered new things that I never thought I had the capacity to do. Overall, growth happened to me in 2022.
These are some of the important lessons I learned from 2022.
Lesson 1: Trust God
God can be trusted even for seemingly mundane things. This year, I trusted God to provide my bathing soap. I always buy in bulk to avoid getting stranded on the days when my budget cannot afford it. But this time, I didn’t have cash with which to make the bulk purchase.
The Holy Spirit asked me to make a list of my essentials with the cost. I did it. A few days after, I was in the middle of a conversation with someone when she said she would send me the exact amount I cost on the list. it felt surreal as I never mentioned to the person that I needed money. So you see, God can be trusted to do according to his words.
Lesson 2: Sense of entitlement
A sense of entitlement can cut your journey abruptly in the middle. It will also impact your relationship with people, and leave you broken and wounded. Don't feel entitled to people, their money, resources, time, affection, knowledge, etc. If they choose to be kind and they offer it to you, accept it with gratitude, it shows that you are not a parasite.
Lesson 3: Thin line
You are the thin line between where you are and where you want to be. The place you want to be is closer than you imagine, yet, you need to make the move to get there. Every other thing is nothing short of a factor that influences your decision, they don’t take away your power unless you allow them. Take responsibility for your life and your growth.
Lesson 4: Get comfortable
Be comfortable with yourself being your companion. As an unmarried guy or lady, it’s very easy to seek companionship from who you shouldn’t even have a conversation in the first place, especially from the opposite gender. Learn to make your stand known and stand by it. Don’t compromise because you need a companion or don’t want to be alone.
Spend time with yourself alone, pray with yourself, hang out with yourself, go see a movie with yourself, and celebrate yourself. You are the most important part of this puzzle called life.
Lesson 5: Go with People
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” African Proverb
A bitter truth I came across was, everybody cannot be your friend, and that does not rule out the fact that you can be of help to each other. If they are not your friends, they can become acquaintances, and over time, they may never leave the acquaintance zone, but you see, just make sure that you have people heading in the same direction, or have been in the direction you are heading.
Lesson 5: Handover
Handover the reins of your life to God
I have a mantra that says, “We do not learn from experiences, we allow God to use our experiences to teach us what he needs us to know”. In summary, experience is not the best teacher, God is the best teacher, and he determines what he uses to teach us, which could sometimes be experiences, or proper learning, depending on what he deems best to communicate knowledge to us.
Lesson 6: Don’t restrict yourself
Vision boards are good, but don’t restrict yourself to what you have in your vision board. What will happen if you achieve your 12 months vision board in 3 months? Of course, you will have to restructure and plan what you want to achieve in the next 9 months. Give yourself the liberty to express yourself, along the line, you may end up discovering or achieving a feat you never thought of.
All the lessons I’ve shared in this piece weren’t because I experienced them, but it was because God showed me the lessons in the experiences. This is the mind with which I want you to hold onto as we start the 2023 journey, or whenever you get to read this. Allow God to chart your knowledge, don’t create ideologies from your experience, give God room to teach you as he deems fit, and you will be better off for it.
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