2023 in 1000 words
For the longest time, I struggled with how to write my 2023 recap but it just didn’t flow, until I saw a post from Kennedy of Kippa on Instagram and I thought, “10 things I wish I knew at the start of 2023”.
Then the night I was wrapping it up, I shared on my WhatsApp story that I was ready to share my 2023 in review, and boom another title came up, “2023 in 1000 words”. So of course, I needed to tweak and possibly rewrite the content.
That’s one of the things writers go through.
2023 was a good year for me, way better than 2022 if you ask me. I think that’s the whole idea behind growing, that the new year will be better because you have lessons from the previous year and new opportunities to right the wrongs.
Even though it may seem as though yesterday was a better day due to one reason or another, remember that you are the sole determiner of what you get in the new year.
Back to my top 10 lessons from 2023…
1. God loves me fiercely.
If someone had told me that God loves me this much and even more, I may have doubted the person’s word, but experiencing it first-hand was more than enough. In 2023, I experienced God’s pampering and his scolding as well and it has made me become a better person. 😂
The other day I was discussing with my elder sister about how the holy spirit asked me to stop something, and I thought it wasn’t harmful at the moment even though I obeyed. It was not until months after that I caught a glimpse of the “why”.
Yes, it’s a glimpse because there is a fuller picture which I obviously can’t see. One of the many things I love about being a child of God.
2. My friends won’t always be there for me.
One of my close friends ‘japad’, and as much as I’ve encouraged other people, nothing prepared me for a personal experience. On a regular, I can just pick up the phone and call this person, but now I need to check the time to be sure that I’m not calling when he’s in class or when it’s midnight over there.
Indeed, 20 children can not play for 20 years. Going forward, I want to be deliberate and intentional about my friends. Showing up for them, offering to help them and enjoying the moment with them.
3. Growth is a constant in our journey
I honestly didn’t see this coming, even though I was looking forward to growing on all fronts. More than anything, my confidence in my Christian faith has become more solid and I believe that it was a result of my relationship with God and spiritual knowledge that I got from studying my bible, attending church services, listening to sermons/teachings, and reading spiritual books. I wish I could say I did this on my own, unfortunately, I did not.
I hope I never get to a point where I doubt that God is doing anything in my life, if I mistakenly do, I pray that the Lord reminds me of his unending goodness even when I can’t see it.
4. What you groom will blossom
Gosh! Every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I’m always in awe of this Masterpiece called Christie Billions. God indeed took his time when he was making me.
I saw a picture of me in 2019 when I thought I was beautiful, when I tried comparing it with a picture of me from 2023, the difference was obvious. Yes, I added flesh in the right places, I look well taken care of even though I’ve barely scratched the surface of looking after myself.
The progress I saw and I’m seeing is proof that it can be better, so if you thought I was gorgeous in 2023, get ready for me in 2024.
5. People are willing to support you
As of September 2022, I wrote in my birthday post that I was looking forward to launching my first business, the one business that would make me an entrepreneur fully. What I didn’t know was that I was going to be scared and concerned about what people would say or if people would buy into it.
Guess what I discovered, people will only support or stand by you/your ideas, and dreams, if you do that first. You are the sole determiner of what you get from other people. Grateful to God for the gift of everyone who has supported us in Fittobeemployed Africa. As much as I didn’t really do so much for the first 6 months, I’m grateful that I at least took the first step.
6. Your energy will not be 100% every day and it’s okay.
I had days when I thought I could do everything and achieve great results, and I also had days when I just wanted to eat, sleep and just exist. I didn’t feel like doing anything. I have learnt that when we do the things we do, it is not because we feel like it primarily, sometimes, it’s a necessity.
Going into 2024, my resolution is to show up on the days of my 0% like the days of my 100%. If I have to wait for my 100% before carrying out what needs to be done, what’s the assurance that the people whom I’m meant to serve will wait for my 100%?
Yes, I will acknowledge my 0% but I will not confine myself to it. After all, I’m the sole decision-maker of my life, not my feelings.
7. There’s love at home.
For me, home is where I am safe and protected. Not like I didn’t know that there is love at home, but it was reaffirmed this year. My biological family, my church family, my work family, grateful for every one.
If the road ever gets tough, I can always run back home into the arms of my loved ones.
8. That I could be a badass at anything I want to do.
It was so glaring, even though I had some minutes, and days of feeling like I wasn’t up to it, but the reviews I got from my bosses said otherwise.
I started 2023 underemployed, amateur at video editing and creation. I remember asking my younger brother to show me how to download a video on TikTok in December 2022 and look at me managing about 4 tiktok accounts including my personal brand.
It’s a lot of work, but I’m reminded that there’s absolutely nothing I can’t do if I put my mind to it.
For 2024, my goal is to GO HARD OR GO HOME X NO GREE FOR ANYBODY. Whatever it’s gonna take for me to be successful, I will do it, legally.
Finally, I want to say thank you for reading my stories whenever you come across it. It gives me so much delight when someone reads my story, drops a comment, claps and even shares it with friends. Thank you for contributing to keeping me in the writing business.
In 2024, I’m looking to write more, fall in love with the love of my life, make more money, give more money, serve and honour my friends and family and overall make God proud. So help me, God.
Welcome to 2024. Happy New Year!!!
P:s- I knew I said 10 at the beginning of this article, forgive me for turning in 8 😉