The journey from 25 to 26 was quite an interesting one, failed at many things especially publishing the memoir I initially planned to publish on my 25th birthday. I remember crying like someone who lost a loved one, those tears that bring out mucus and give you an interesting headache, yes that was the type.
I made mistakes that I am not proud of, but I definitely learned from them. I took bold steps that on an ordinary day, I would shy away from.
On this same journey to 26, I had a mid-life crisis where I was struggling with the many expressions of myself, my commitment to my 9–5, and my commitment to my personal growth. At some point, I was tired of everything. I no longer want to show up, I just want to be there. Things that used to interest me no longer did, and the only thing I wanted was just to sit back at home doing nothing.
Alongside all of this was the desire to be in a relationship, the pressure from friends and family, and your own personal pressure. The problem wasn’t that I wasn’t catching the fancy of the opposite gender or they did not catch mine, it just didn’t go further than the fancy. We never did move forward because we had diverse expectations that could not be compromised not even on a table of friendship.
A few weeks we are into one another, spending long hours laughing at each other’s jokes and whatnot, and the next, we are back to being acquaintance who checks in with each other once in a while.
I hate it when people are always asking a single lady or guy when are they getting married. They make it look as though you are the problem. Well, I am glad to announce that for some of us, getting into a relationship or getting married is not a trophy we need. We will get married or get into a relationship whenever we want to with whoever we want to.
While I don’t have a definite expectation for my 26th year on earth, I am pretty much expectant of all the good things that will happen to me this year and beyond.
I am looking forward to scaling higher on my career journey, launching my first non for profit or for-profit (either of the two or both), growing and keeping more intentional friendships, learning about God and growing in my walk with him, making more money to fund the assignments he gives me and this baby girl life 😂, and overall make him proud of me.
You might want to ask me, how will i know that he is proud of me, right? He tells me and that’s how i know when he is proud of me and when he is not.
This new year, I will be more committed to becoming better at everything I do and even beyond, and also showing up well for the things I value. No longer playing small or reducing the brightness of my light, I will do all that is required of me to get the result I desire, legally.
I will try all the things in my head, write down my ideas crazy or not, and develop and implement them. I know for sure that I would have one of the best years of my life as a 26-year-old., would definitely come back to reference this when I’m approaching my 27th.
Happy Birthday To Me!
Regardless of whenever you see this piece, kindly say a word of prayer for me if you can, and you can send your wishes to me on Twitter.
P-S: The memoir is ready to be published, follow me on Instagram or subscribe to my email list on Medium so you will get an email notification with the details on how to get your copy.