Comfort Zone
I once lived in an estate with invisible neighbors , the only time you see them is when they drive in and drive out of their compounds in the morning and at night respectively. On this particular day, I had a busy day at work and on getting home I discovered that the machine that supplies water to the entire building was faulty so I had to use the well, only for me to discover that I would not be able to draw out water as the rope attached to the fetcher was not long and also the well was getting deeper every day. Obviously I was stranded, couldn’t go out to ask my neighbors if I could fetch water from their house, people that don’t know about my existence. Then I remembered I just bought a new bag which had a scarf attached to it, trust me I went back inside got the scarf and tied it to the fetchers rope and voila! I was able to draw water.
Just like life is, we get to a certain time of our life that what is available can no longer meet our needs, just like me we tend to struggle to see if we can still find a way to go about it but it still wont work and then an idea pops up, a plan carefully take position in our heart. But because no one has ever done it before, we kill the idea and seek for other means to fulfill our needs.
Do you know that the richest fellow in the world was once in your position but rather than to give up at the early stage of idea conception, they pulled through and thought of many ways to go about the full maximization of their ideas and now they did not only meet their needs but also the needs of thousands of people. Offcourse, they had their own times of self-doubt infact plenty of that but they didn’t give in to despair, rather they pressed on and on and on till their goal was achieved.
Don’t be afraid to think out of the box or to step out of your comfort zone, if you were comfortable in your comfort zone you won’t have considered stepping out or if the box actually suit you, you won’t be scared to consider what is outside the box. It may not necessarily be your career, could be your interpersonal relationship with family and friends, could be your personal relation with yourself. Sometimes it could even be a mindset or thought that you have confined yourself to believe in and you are scared of ditching the thought for something better. Whichever one it is just so you know; You, God and the world depend on you. You can’t afford to fail God even if you fail every other person.
I know it can be very difficult to do this but trust me, that’s one of the best decision you will make.
“Your comfort zone is a beautiful zone where nothing grows other than your bills”