My Popcorn Story
Have you ever perceived the aroma of a snack or meal? And when you get access to that food, your hope got dashed because the taste of the food didn’t match up with the aroma that got your attention. Instead of a satisfying taste, what you get can be best described as bland and insipid.
I can’t be the only one on this table. How about “what I ordered vs what I got”? The disappointment from that can be really painful; especially when one considers the cost of placing the orders.
In this story, I didn’t really spend much on what I bought but I had huge expectations. The salivating energy from my taste buds was on the high side.
On this particular day, I was on my way back from an event and heading to the next one. I got to a particular bus stop and the first thing that hit me was the sweet smell from the popcorn vendor by the roadside. I love popcorn so I thought “I deserve a popcorn treat”. If only I had known, I would have postponed my treat till some other time. But I didn’t get a spoiler alert so it ended in premium tears.
I got into a cab and proceeded to devour my popcorn. I had a bottle of my favorite soft drink to go with the snack. It didn’t happen; the treatment from the treat became a threat to my mood when I realized I was eating nonsense. I could not cry to avoid weird stares from co-passengers, so I quietly endured my bland popcorn. 😢
This got me thinking, and, I wondered how possible and easy it is to get people attracted to you or your product when you can’t give them the worth of what they paid for, particularly when you don’t have the capacity to provide what is needed.
You might think, ‘well, I don’t get paid so I don’t have to be bothered about what I give’, ‘I don’t have to be bothered about the quality or anything related to it’. The reality is that you get paid to offer value to people around you. The reward or payment might always be cash.
Time is the most expensive currency you have, with time, you can create as many currencies as you want.
Your friends, families, acquaintances have offered you the time currency by being around you, attend functions with you while they have deadlines to meet but because they value you, they are unbothered about the money they might lose.
The best you can do is to give them the right value for what they have offered you and one of the ways you can do that is to invest in yourself, actively pursue your growth process like your life depends on it because it really does, add value to yourself in all ways, so much that you’re able to add value to the people around you.
You can’t give what you don’t have. — Wayne Dyer
You can only give what you have not what you don’t have. Have you ever wondered how the people you admire seem to have it all figured out? You can look at them and admire them because they have actually taken time to build themselves up and you can do the same.
If you can be more interested in giving values with integrity then it will become a piece of cake for you in the business space, whether as an employer or an employee.
Pursue excellence with sincerity in your heart, in everything you do.
Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your strength, because there is no work, planning, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave where you are going. Ecclesiastes 9:10.
…with love from my heart