How My Mum Influenced my Writing Career
It’s my mum’s birthday today and I can say that she influenced my passion for reading which subsequently birthed my passion for writing.
My mum made it a point of duty to ensure that her daughters are educated just like her sons, one of the many things I’m grateful for.
One out of many that I can remember was how she encouraged me to always tell her whenever my teachers recommended any book for us, ranging from textbooks to literature books, I attended a government-owned secondary school, and it wasn’t included in the bill as there was no bill.
She asks for the name of the book and the next time she’s making her market runs to the Lagos Island Market, I can be sure that those books will be waiting for me at home when I get back from school.
On Open Days, she fights me for not telling her a book or books as the case may be was recommended. She buys the book and as a way to recompensate her, I decided to start reading the books she bought for me and that was how I fell in love with reading.
I started reading and gradually became addicted to reading. Books for me became my companion throughout secondary school, I wrote extensively on this here, you should read it.
Looking back now, I’m grateful to God for helping my mum encourage my reading habit. My reading habit birthed my writing habit, I saw the books as my safe space and I looked forward to having my name on a book as an author. I wanted to be able to impact lives with my pen just the same way the book I read helped me.
God is indeed a mysterious God and of a truth, his ways are higher than our ways the same way his thoughts are higher than ours. My mum was just trying to ensure that she makes her dream of giving her daughter an education as she wasn’t opportune to go as far as she wanted, unknown to her, she was responding to God and positioning me for my purpose in life.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” — Isaiah 55:8–9
I guess this is why God gives us biological parents and spiritual parents, aside from the fact that we need their guidance and nurturing to grow, we need to stand on their shoulders while we grow to become all that God wants us to be.
May we have these parents, may we become them, and may we raise our children to become them.
To anyone who may have lost either parent, I pray that the Lord comforts you and give you rest in him.
To anyone who still finds it difficult to accept their parent's love(biological or spiritual), may the Lord instruct your heart and give you peace.
To anyone who still has both parents alive, may the Lord preserve their lives and bless them with sound health.
Whenever you read this, kindly say a word of prayer for my mum. 💌
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