My Greatest Flex

Christiana Olawumi
3 min readFeb 7, 2023


Image from Istock

I wish I could say my greatest flex in life is my ability to string words together and conveniently communicate thoughts and knowledge to an audience.

Or my ability to stand before people as a public speaker or my ability to make banging stir-fried spaghetti or peppered stew sauce that can conveniently go with white rice and fried plantain or any other meal.

Just take a look at this beauty — This is a fried plantain stan account

I wish it was my ability to sit and produce 1000 word count piece in less than 5 hours or stay awake all through the night because I’m working.

I wish it was my ability to serve diligently in church, running errands and helping fellow church members, or to be a good daughter to my parents and a good sibling to my siblings.

I wish it was my ability to be a 5-star employee. The list is endless.

Do you know what my greatest flex is?

It is the knowledge that God is my father.

True, God is my father, but if I don’t know that he is, I can not experience what it means for him to be my father. There is theoretical knowledge and experiential knowledge.

yet for us, there is but one God, the Father, who is the source of all things, and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things [that have been created], and we [believers exist and have life and have been redeemed] through Him. 1 Corinthians 8:6

Growing up, we’d always say the Lord’s prayer starting with “Our father, who art in heaven” but he seemed more like a father in diaspora whom we only talk to when we need something that our immediate father (parent) don’t have the capacity to provide for us.

What God wants from his children, is not an “I need this” relationship, it’s a full-blown father and child relationship much more than your relationship with your earthly father.

Imagine that the only time you see, talk, or spend time with your father is only when you need him to pay your bills, stand in as your guarantor or recommend you to his friends for job opportunities, how do you think your father will feel?

It’s obvious that you only see him as a means to an end, meanwhile, there is more that you can get from the relationship knowingly or unknowingly.

There is the part where you enjoy the warmth, love, correction, and instruction from staying close to the father, the part where he sends you on errands to wherever he chooses, the part where his personality unconsciously rubs off on you and you begin to look like him, there is the part where you ask and he gives you, there is the part where you ask and he does not give you too. 😂

Theory knowledge is good, but can you dig deeper and allow God to help you experience the blessings of fatherhood? Can you take a step closer and cancel your long-distance relationship with God?

Can you look beyond just getting your needs sorted to seeking an intimate relationship? Can you lay aside your assumptions that God is busy enough and doesn’t need the burden of an intimate relationship?

I hope you respond and seek experiential knowledge of God as your father and enjoy the blessings of fatherhood.

God is not a means to an end, he is the end himself.

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Christiana Olawumi
Christiana Olawumi

Written by Christiana Olawumi

I love storytelling! I communicate my thoughts through writing! If you'd like to work with me, send me an email

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