The Cross, The Nails, and Crown of Thorns

Christiana Olawumi
4 min readApr 14, 2022


Picture from Istock

Easter celebration is my favorite season of the year, sounds weird, right? I know. It’s one season I look forward to every year, no, It’s not because of the public holidays attached to it.

Turned out that it was because I will get to watch a live display of how the crucifixion of Jesus took place although it was from thousands of years ago.

Every year, a particular catholic church in my neighborhood displays a live demonstration of how the death of our Lord Jesus Christ took place. I don’t know how or at what point the demonstration started, but I know that on the eve of every Good Friday or early in the morning, their representative would have placed a card/cardboard at every stop from their church through their preferred route back to the church.

On that eve or days before, if you had neighbors or friends who had been selected to act during the live demonstration, you will hear them say “I’m going for rehearsals” and the like, that way you can be sure that there will be a live demonstration that year.

Their cue for every stop is a mix of the 7 words Jesus said as documented in the book of Mark, Luke, and John, and the events that happened on the way to Golgotha where he was crucified as recorded in Matthew 27 in any translation. I didn’t understand the essence but I knew the story surrounding the crucifixion, so I’d always look forward to seeing the Easter demonstration. You can see a compilation of the 7 words on Bible Gateway.

As a young girl, I’d always offer to stay at my mum’s store every Good Friday instead of going with them to church so I can see how it happened as the street where my mum’s store was located was a major street, so they would definitely pass through every year.

I didn't know so much about the essence of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ but yet, I’d always run into my mum’s store, crying and promising to repent of my sins because I couldn’t bear seeing this man drenched in his own blood, with a crown of thorn on his head carrying his cross just because he wanted to save me from this life of sin.

I’m not sure if the live demonstration still happens, but I’m sure of something, I now know the essence of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I know he gave up his life for you and me to have life. He suffered so we won’t be bound in the shackles of our sins.

He endured the pain so we will have eternal life. He took our curse upon himself so we can be free. He offered Himself as a sacrificial lamb to people who didn’t know him. He died on the cross just for you and me.

What manner of love is this? Who could afford to love as much as this man? He’s definitely divine because only divinity can pull this eternal gift.

Imagine if you have to carry on life on your own, do you think you will do it way better than the manufacturer? What if the whole essence of your life is wrapped around this divine being? In actual truth, it is.

I could go on and on with the what-ifs but nothing could ever replace the love of God towards man. Oh, you thought it was only Jesus who offered himself, No, the father was the initiator.

He told Peter and the two sons of Zebedee to come with him. Then he began to be very sad and troubled. Jesus said to Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, “My heart is so heavy with grief, I feel as if I am dying. Wait here and stay awake with me.” Then Jesus went on a little farther away from them. He fell to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, don’t make me drink from this cup. But do what you want, not what I want.” Matthew 26:37–39

He truly gave up himself, but as a human, he wished he didn’t have to die, yet he willingly went to the cross in obedience to the father.

He did all this so we might have eternal life, and today, he’s calling you to him. He wants you to have the eternal life that accompanied his death and resurrection.

He’s knocking at the door of your heart, he wants you to open up so he’d find expression in you. He wants to come in, so you can rest from all your worries and burdens. He wants to occupy your life so you never have to bother about how to live. He wants you for himself.

If you would love to accept him as your Lord and Saviour, say this prayer with me;

Today, I confess that I am a sinner and I repent of my sins. I ask that you be my Lord and my savior. I believe with my heart that you died for me to be saved, and I welcome you to take your place in my life. I give up trying to figure out life and I embrace the life that you give, In Jesus' Name.

Welcome to the body, heavens rejoice over you and with you. 💃 💃 Yes, it’s as simple as that. You should look for a bible-believing church around you and attend, you will need a community of believers to grow with.

You can send me a direct message on Twitter or Instagram if you’d love for me to pray with you.

May the blessings and essence of the season find expression and fulfillment in our lives this season and beyond.

P-S: Easter is still my favorite season of the year, and this time it is because I understand the essence of the gospel.




Christiana Olawumi
Christiana Olawumi

Written by Christiana Olawumi

I love storytelling! I communicate my thoughts through writing! If you'd like to work with me, send me an email

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