The Ripple Effect of Success and Failure

Christiana Olawumi
3 min readJun 23, 2022


Picture from Istock

I just got off a call with one of my close friends, at some point, I screamed in the middle of the conversation because he had just shared mind-blowing news with me and I was indeed blown away, it was a major win for us. I dropped the phone and went off to attend to house chores that required my attention, while I was on it, I found myself reflecting on the news and how excited and genuinely happy it made me feel.

I wondered if I was truly happy and excited for my friend, I searched my heart and found that I was indeed as happy as I felt after hearing the news. I tried to see if jealousy was a close or negative comparison, but instead, I found something different.

I found hope and possibility. I discovered the probability of failing or winning. I found contentment with what you have while striving for what you need.

The holy spirit took me back to the previous week when another friend shared a win with me, this time, I was the one who encouraged him to go for it and he did and got much more than what he bargained for. I’ve never felt so proud of myself as a friend to these people as I did that day. At this point in time, I may not have the money they need and the same applies to them too, but we both have something to offer one another.

On the flip side, another friend reached out to me about a failed business, and while I sympathized with him, it gave me a more in-depth understanding of failure. Anyone can fail at whatever they do, doesn't mean they can’t be successful, it just means that they need to intensify efforts on a particular task and devise alternative ways to achieve the results they desire.

My friends have shown me the possibility of winning and at the same time, I can see there is a possibility of failing too. When they proceeded with any of their decisions regardless of the outcome, I believe their thought will be, “I’m doing this for myself”, though in a real sense they are doing it for a thousand of people and even a generation unborn.

Yes, because there is a ripple effect of whatever outcome you get from a decision. Makes it more important and necessary that we consider the results of our decisions and their impact on the people around us, you can’t afford to be selfish as a believer.

This same thing applies to our decisions as believers, you are not expected to sin, aside from disobeying God, you are also strategic in making other people believe that what you did is the norm.

You are charged with the responsibility of becoming like Christ daily, and while you are at it, you should help other people on their journey to becoming like Christ. The issue isn’t about taking out or keeping away from whatever will make you to sin, but you being transformed and your mind renewed to see, know and understand the effect of your actions on the people around you especially the family of faith.

I hope this inspires you to be more aware of your decisions and strive for others to see Jesus in you.

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Christiana Olawumi
Christiana Olawumi

Written by Christiana Olawumi

I love storytelling! I communicate my thoughts through writing! If you'd like to work with me, send me an email

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