The Savior’s Love
I was having a conversation with a friend and our conversation steered towards my favorite drink. I was actually far from home at the moment so he told me that he had made payments for it at a store in the neighborhood. Whenever I return I should go to the store with his name and I will get the drink. I eventually went home and true to his words I got the drink and it was refreshing.
This incident reminded me of God’s love for human by giving his son up on the cross to die for our sins even though we’ve not been in existence or even sinned. He paid the price ahead of our arrival and existence. And when we eventually arrived and started living in sin, he told us we have been saved ahead of our sinful life and all we just need is to confess our sins and believe in his son.
When we do, we have been guaranteed a position to be co-heirs with the son of God. We are no longer slaves to sin and fear. Someone who knew us ahead of time had actually paid for our sins on the cross. For the scripture says in Gal 3:13 “cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”. He became a curse for us. For someone to have agreed to be cursed for people he had no idea about their existence or even their existence is not certain, this can only be Love.
Unlike the doubts in our heart when we express love to others, we are bothered about it being reciprocated and when it’s not we are not interested in giving it out again but Christ did not consider all that. “He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet he did not open his mouth to complain or defend himself. Like a lamb that is led the slaughter, And like a sheep that is silent before her shearers, so he did not open His mouth.” Isaiah 53 verse 7(AMP)
He wasn’t bothered about all this, I’m sure he must have thought of it because he came in human nature but it did not determine the basis of his sacrifice. All he ever wanted was to please the father, make the father happy. He was readily available to satisfy the master at the expense of his life, meanwhile the life wasn’t his to keep in the first place. He had worries in his heart but they did not stop him from pleasing the father.
If only we’d come to the father. The receipt you need to tender to access him is your faith, your confession of faith, your heart, your life. If you will do this, then you have access to the father’s love.
When you understand the father’s love and accept it, you will not find it difficult to love others. It will actually become your nature because your father is love. “The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love. [He is the originator of love, and it is an enduring attribute of his nature.]” 1 John 4 verse 8(AMP)
Imagine carrying the DNA of your father, everywhere you go and everyone you meet can identify that you’ve been with the father just like the DNA of your earthly parents.
I just remembered something that happened a while ago. I was in the neighborhood taking a walk and I overheard some men having conversations about me. One of them was asking about me from the rest and I heard them say I was the child of the soil (more like don’t approach her) and also that my mum has a store down the road. I don’t know this men from anywhere but they knew me, they must have either seen me with my mum at the store or in the neighborhood. They must have also seen me at other people’s store but somehow they knew I was the daughter of this person in particular probably because I look like my mum.
The same way we should look like our father in all our actions. Your habits, actions, decisions should reflect your identity. If it doesn’t then there is a problem somewhere. Your identity should not only be revealed when you talk but your life should naturally ooze your claimed identity.
Dear Father, Thank You for giving your son as a sacrifice for my sins. Thank you for loving me even in my sinful nature. Teach me to love like you do. Help me to spread the gospel of Christ with love in my heart and not holding back. Guide me to your truth always.