Time, Days, Seasons, Years
I was at the mall recently and while I was dragging my trolley down the aisle, I overheard some girls having a complaining about how much time they had spent outside of the house.
They were three in number, Girl 1 was the one dragging her other friends to go home because according to her Girl 2 and Girl 3 already had a well-cooked-up excuse for staying out that late that they intend to give their respective parents.
Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t eavesdropping, they spoke out loud and we were both on the same aisle trying to figure out our preferred ice cream flavor and brand. I left them and went off to another section of the mall, but we eventually met at the cashier spot.
It reminded me of one birthday party I attended when I was in secondary school. My parents frown at parties and the likes, and this guy, who is my supposed boyfriend has organized a party to celebrate his birthday and I had to be there, I could have come up with an excuse but I wanted to fit in blame it on peer pressure 😂.
I had to cook up a lie, and told my folks that I was going for a church program, in fact, I went there from church right after the church service because the party was on a Sunday.
I got there and the party did not start on time because they were nightcrawlers but I was not.😆 😆 When they eventually started, I was asked to take the opening prayer because I was “mummy GO” and obviously dressed as one even though I had removed my beret and kept it inside my bag.
It was a struggle trying to avoid the devil’s basket games that they passed around. I wasn’t ready to do their bidding and I don’t have money to save myself, don’t ask me what I was doing in their midst, because even, I don’t know. 😆 😂
More than 10 years after, I can comfortably wake up one morning, and tell my parents that I am or will be traveling or going to an event, or hanging out with my friends. Sometimes, the event or hangout could be so spontaneous that I forget to tell them.
What of the days I had to meet up with my friends after work, of course, I’d get home later than my usual time but I no longer have to cook up lies for my parent to give me permission to step out. (I’m not saying you should try this at home, don’t be a rebel 😂)
I’ve grown to a point in my life where they don’t have to think for me or monitor me because I’m old enough to make decisions and be responsible for those decisions. They can trust me with freedom because they’ve seen or observed that she can actually take care of herself or not.
The same way God does. He wants us to grow from being babies to fully grown men. He wants to trust us with responsibilities and territories. He wants to trust us with his agenda and his desires. He wants you to take full responsibility for who you are in Christ Jesus.
Yes, you can be a babe with Jesus, but he’s not expecting that you’d be a baby forever. He is looking forward to you feeding on the milk he has provided, outgrowing it, and moving unto meat and solid meals.
He doesn’t want you to always give him the excuse of “I’m still growing so I can do this you are asking me”. Trust me, God won’t give you more than he thinks you can bear, before he hands you responsibilities, he knows for sure that even though you can’t do it on your own, you have the capacity to do it with him involved.
God’s overall plan is for all men to be saved, he doesn’t delight in the death of a sinner, instead, he wants every sinner to be saved. Guess what, he has already come down from heaven to make us in his own image.
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1: 26
More than anything, God is expecting you to grow into his full image, and growth can only occur when you feed on the ingredients that would facilitate the growth. The ingredients for your spiritual growth include feasting on the word of God, belonging to a community of believers, and having an intimate relationship with God, the list is endless. Like I said this is not for you to be saved but for you to grow into the full stature of Christ till you become just like him.
God loves you more than you can ever imagine! ❤️🔥❤️🔥
If you have any questions you would like to ask me, you can reach me on Instagram: @thechristianaolawumi
See you!!