What Nobody Told Us About Adulting! 2

Christiana Olawumi
4 min readFeb 15, 2023


Picture from Istock

One minute you’re dancing and rejoicing over the birth of your friend’s new baby and the next minute, you are mourning with your friend who lost a loved one. In another moment, you are rejoicing over a new job, and the next you are getting stocked up with medications because you fall sick. Crazy stuff!

Did anybody tell us that as we grow up, we will witness this and many more? Absolutely not!

At least for me, nobody told me that I will get to this part. I remember it used to be my parents, especially my mother who attended funerals and naming ceremonies of family and friends here and there, not me.

Funerals weren’t for children, even naming ceremonies, but look at you showing up to attend your friend’s new baby’s naming ceremony looking all peng and gorgeous, mourning the loss of a closed one with red and swollen eyes from crying.

What would happen if we had been told that all these would happen as we grow up, is that as humans, we will think long-term and develop coping mechanisms for these events in a bid that they don’t deeply affect us.

When we do this, we stand a chance of making our emotions plastic just for the concerned party to see and assume that we indeed care about them and the events happening to them, when in reality, we do not.

These coping mechanisms impact God's intended plan for creating man, placing us in families, and giving us friendships.

God knew when he made man in his image that due to the nature of man, he cannot live in isolation unlike him who can be all by himself as God.

Living with people means that you would have to interact with one another and intimacy comes from interaction. Intimacy and our emotions are the anchors of a relationship.

When we can’t genuinely feel the pain and joy of another, it becomes difficult and impossible for us to have genuine and authentic relationships. Not with everybody on earth but with people you’re connected to and the people who matter.

I think it’s only right that nobody told us what to expect from adulting.

The interesting part is, even if people tell you what to expect from adulting, trust me, they can’t give you the exact information because they are not GOD and they are not in charge of your life.

It’s only the person who developed an item or product that can give you extensive information on what to expect and how to react to it.

For example, when I used to work as a Project Manager, I had a rule of “nobody must mess with my files on the drive”.

Every time I have to share a document, I deliberately restrict access to just viewing mode because I am the only one who knows what I did there, and tampering with it will only disrupt the entire thing.

But if you ask me, I would have pointed you to what you need to see at that particular point in time because giving you the entire knowledge will choke you and you won’t be able to comprehend it.

People cannot tell you what to expect from adulting, they can only show you a glimpse of what they have experienced, but it does not and will not be the same for you because every individual is different.

The best thing to do is to ask God for strength and wisdom so that as you are climbing the ladder of adulting, you know what to do and how to do it and you are not completely clueless.

In conclusion, you will know how to live as God wants you to live. That’s the highlight of existence. God is both the product owner and the product manager, and the best way to use the product effectively is to ask the owner for the manual at every point you get to in life.

I hope you never forget that God loves you so much and he wants the best for you.

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26

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Christiana Olawumi
Christiana Olawumi

Written by Christiana Olawumi

I love storytelling! I communicate my thoughts through writing! If you'd like to work with me, send me an email christianah.olawumi@gmail.com

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