Why You Should Not Pay Tithe?
Feel free to disagree with me, but I need you to read till the end to understand why you should not pay tithe.
As an individual, I try as much as possible to shy away from involving myself in controversial issues/topics in the Christian faith, but then as a Christian dedicated and committed to changing narratives and inscribing the mind of Christ in the heart of men with men, I had no other option than to accept this topic when the Holy Spirit dropped it on my heart to write on.
I grew up in a religious background where I learned the act of paying tithe every time I get cash gifts or get paid for a job. I knew I had to pay tithe for God to provide me with more money and to pursue the devourer away for my sake. I was young and could barely qualify as a Christian, I believed what I was taught and held onto it.
Don’t pay tithe because you want to pursue the devourer away.
You can imagine my shock when I realized that God blesses me not because I am faithful with paying tithes, but because his nature as the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE and as my FATHER, is to give me the wealth of many nations and prosper my ways.
The LORD says, “I will bring you lasting prosperity; the wealth of the nations will flow to you like a river that never goes dry. You will be like a child that is nursed by its mother, carried in her arms, and treated with love. I will comfort you in Jerusalem, as a mother comforts her child. Isaiah 66:12–13
At creation, God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild” — Gen 1:26. This means that God's original plan for creating man was for us to be like him, to successfully be like God and exercise dominion, you need resources and that is why it’s natural for God to bless and he is not waiting for you to have to give him before he blesses you.
Don’t pay tithe because you want God to bless you.
Who would have imagined? I thought I was giving so the windows of heaven will be opened to me, little did I know that my tithe did not affect if God blesses me or not, but it is a requirement of me as a believer who is a steward over God’s resources.
Wait, do you know you are a steward of the wealth you have, and you’re not entirely the owner? Yes, you are not the owner.
So, when the owner asks for it, you don’t have any choice but to release it to him. I understand that you worked for your money and you have the right to decide what you do with your money, but how did you come by the money?
Did you really believe it was your Master’s degree that got you your job or your friend’s connection? If you previously thought about this, I’m here to tell you, that you’ve been living a lie all along.
Alongside your wealth, you are a steward over your life and everything you own. You, everything you own, and become belongs to God and when he requests for it, you have no option but to give him even more than the 10% as in the case of Abraham, who God asked for his 100% when he asked for the promised son Isaac to be offered as a sacrifice to him.
Don’t pay tithe if you think you’re doing God a favour by giving him what he owns and placed you as steward over.
I’m sure if it was you, you would have turned a deaf ear when you heard that you should go sacrifice your only son 😂, I might have done that if I wasn’t saved. You would have thought of a thousand what if’s, speaking of which, how was Abraham able to convince his son and his son also trusted him enough to believe that the Lord will provide the animal 😲😲; speaks so much about the level of grooming, discipleship and training Isaac must have undergone even though he was still a child. I’m not sure Sarah even knew what was going on. (Story for another day)
You see, as an individual when we love something or we are committed to it, we do not hesitate to give ourselves or our resources to the cause, why is it now difficult to give to the God we claim to love? It makes me wonder if truly we love the Lord as we claim to. Let’s put aside the crooked people who decide to use the tithes of people for personal aggrandizement, why are you so pained about paying tithe or giving money to the church of God? If you don't give, how will the church prosper and successfully spread the gospel to the far end of the earth?
The truth is, it’s not that we are worried about what the money is being used for, we are only greedy and stingy to give out what does not belong to us in the first place. It also boils down to the possibility of you not being a Christian, but a churchgoer, as it takes much more than water baptism or being raised in church from childhood. When the Lord eventually has your heart completely, you will be willing to “sell your plots of land and bring them to the apostle's feet”.
So your question should not be, why should you pay tithe? instead, it should be what’s stopping me from paying my tithe and giving my all to the Lord
My prayer for you reading this is that you will allow the Lord to penetrate your heart and win you over completely for himself. I pray you will seek to find out what the Lord truly says instead of holding onto social media instructions.
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